Winning Against Insurance Price Gouging

The SC Alliance of Patriot Businesses is fighting to lower insurance costs and protect South Carolina’s small businesses. Thanks to House Republicans, we finally have a real solution to stop out-of-control insurance price hikes. House Bill 3497 delivers true insurance reform—holding woke insurance companies accountable and ensuring fair pricing for small businesses and families. 

Our movement stands for winning, not losing

A Victory for South Carolina’s Small Businesses

Our movement stands for winning, not losing. Thanks to conservatives in the House, South Carolina is fighting backagainst insurance industry greed. HB 3497 cracks down on price gouging, ensures accountability, and forces transparency.

This is a real, conservative solution that puts South Carolina business owners first—not out-of-state insurance CEOs. Now, it’s time for the Senate to do the right thing and pass this bill to provide real relief to hardworking South Carolinians.

We must keep up the pressure—contact your senator and tell them to pass HB 3497!

Opposition to Corporate Control

We stand firmly against the woke corporate agenda that threatens our state’s sovereignty. Without President Trump’s intervention, S.244 would have become law. S.244 is a total surrender to the deep state and woke, DEI-infected insurance industry.

Protection of State Sovereignty

This bill proves that RINOs and out-of-state special interest groups like the woke insurance industry are working to destroy our economy and hand power to their globalist masters to undermine our economic independence and transfer power to globalist entities.

Call to Action for Freedom

This is our state, our businesses, and our freedom at stake. We urge citizens to demand that their lawmakers reject S.244, protecting our local autonomy from external control. We reject the woke corporate mindset. VOTE NO on S.244!

The Truth About Insurance Price Hikes

While patriotic South Carolina business owners are fighting to stay afloat, corporate insurance executives are raking in record profits:







And what do you get?

49-year high insurance rates with no relief in sight—until now.

HB 3497 holds insurance companies accountable, forces real competition, and prevents price gouging.

This is the America-first solution South Carolina needs to restore fairness to the insurance market.

HB 3497: The Real Fix for South Carolina’s Insurance Crisis

The insurance lobbyists tried to sell S.244 as a fix, but in reality, it was just a corporate handout to big insurance companies. The House got it right with HB 3497, which actually:
Now, the Senate must act to make HB 3497 law and stop price gouging for good.

The Truth About HB 3497: Real Reform, Real Relief

For too long, insurance companies have used backroom deals and corporate loopholes to drive up costs for South Carolina businesses and homeowners. HB 3497 changes that.

Instead of phony reforms that protect insurers, HB 3497 holds them accountable and forces real competition to drive prices down.


Forces insurers to justify rate hikes before raising premiums


Prevents corporate price gouging that hurts small businesses


Eliminates backroom deals that favor out-of-state insurance executives


Protects homeowners and entrepreneurs from unfair premium spikes


Brings real free-market competition to South Carolina’s insurance industry


Ends predatory insurance practices that put profits over people

This is REAL reform that stops price gouging and delivers insurance relief to hardworking South Carolinians. Now, the Senate must act to pass HB 3497 and put South Carolina’s businesses and families first!

South Carolina’s Future is in the Senate’s Hands

We will never surrender to the swamp

Join the SCAPB Movement

The SC Alliance of Patriot Businesses is leading the charge to protect economic freedom in South Carolina. We stand for:

  • America-first, South Carolina-first policies
  • Lower insurance costs & free-market solutions
  • Stopping corporate greed and price gouging
  • Defending small businesses from government overreach

Join us and help us demand the Senate pass HB 3497 to provide real insurance relief for South Carolina!